Monday, January 15, 2007

Synthovial 7 (Hyaluronic Acid)

Health Regained, Youth Maintained

Synthovial Seven helps rejuvenate your stiff joints while helping to diminish the telltale signs of aging on your skin!

Your joints, bones, and cartilage – need hyaluronic acid to keep bone from grinding against bone. It is the substance that keeps your joints lubricated and flexible. Synthovial Seven is the "natural gel" that helps maintain comfort for joints of any age.

Your eyes – your eyeball is highly concentrated with hyaluronic acid. Almost all the fluid inside your eye is made of it. It acts like a natural cushion for your sight. Synthovial Seven provides this precious fluid to help support clear, sharp vision.

Your skin – Synthovial Seven pure hyaluronic acid can help fight those awful signs of aging. The greatest amounts of it are found in your skin tissues. This natural substance helps build the collagen within skin, helping keep it firm, supple, and younger looking. Crows feet by the eyes, premature aged skin, "prune lips", and more possibly could be signs of a lack of hyaluronic acid. Synthovial Seven is the secret age-defying nutrient that thousands of people have started using to fight the signs of aging.

For joints that are flexible, optimum vision, and skin that looks radiant, Synthovial Seven is a "must".

For more information about Synthovial Seven, visit

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